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Cable storage knowledge

release time:2018-12-11 00:00:00 Browse:

 If the cable is to be stored for a long time, the cable is placed in:

1. Under the eaves. The standard LAN cable can be used only when the cable is not directly exposed to sunlight or high temperature. It is recommended to use the pipe.
2. The outer wall. Avoid direct sunlight on the wall and human damage.
3. In the pipe (plastic or metal). For example, in the pipeline, pay attention to the damage of the plastic pipe and the heat conduction of the metal pipe.
4. Suspended application / overhead cable. Consider the drooping and pressure of the cable. Which type of bundling is intended? Is the cable exposed to direct sunlight?
5. Lay directly in the underground cable trench, this environment is the smallest control area. Cable trench installations should be regularly checked for dryness or humidity.
6. Underground pipelines. In order to facilitate future upgrades, cable replacement and isolation from surface pressure and surrounding environment, and auxiliary piping are isolated, and auxiliary piping is a better method. But don't expect the pipeline to remain dry forever, which will affect the choice of cable type.

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